Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog #5 "You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Third Party"

Alrighty…third parties! Awww, look at the cute little things, they try so hard and get nowhere! If I was going to write about my favorite third party, it would be the “Monster Raving Loony party” in the UK. For obvious reasons. However, seeing as how this is an American Government class, I shall have to constrain myself to the US of A. Hmmm, let’s see… “Rent Is Too Damn High Party”… “United States Pirate Party”… “Citizens Party of the United States”…hmmm, I actually like that one. Boring name, but they just changed it from “New American Independent Party” which is worse, so they are moving in the right direction.

According to their official website ( the Citizens Party of the United States goes for the gut when they say: “Do you think that both major parties are excessively dominated by money and overly influenced by lobbyists and single-issue groups? Are you concerned about the continued assault on the American middle class by the failed policies of both major parties? Do you feel that neither of the two major parties truly reflect the aspirations or will of most Americans? Do the two party career politicians appear unwilling or unable to address the many issues and challenges facing our nation? Have you grown tired of the polarization and alienation created by the two major parties?”

Hell yes! Why do you think I haven’t voted in three years?! Well okay, that’s because I can’t figure out how it works here in TX, and I’m too busy to ask. “Do I know who won the election? What election?” I don’t have time to watch TV or read the paper, so I’m out of luck. Back to the party though.

The Citizens Party of the United States claims to avoid party lines, and instead focus on “pragmatic solutions” to the problems that plague our country. They lobby for (to name a few) small business, American jobs, small farmers, using our military primarily to protect our country, auditing the treasury and eliminating “pork” spending, supporting organic foods, being environmentally responsible and stopping cruelty to animals. I like all these things. “The Citizens Party does NOT accept contributions from Corporations, PAC's, Super PAC's, Labor Unions or Registered Lobbyists.” This is also awesome! Although it reduces their visibility- they currently hold no seats in house or senate, and really haven’t gotten much of the vote in the past.

Also in their “Main Street Platform” are some things I disagree with. Legalizing marijuana for instance, as if the health problems from cigarettes weren’t already readily available. And their support of “freedom of choice” i.e. abortion and assisted suicide. Not the solution I would have suggested for the overpopulation problem.

They kind of give me the impression of older wiser hippies. They have this plan of getting all the pissed off people together to make a change and throw out all the rich crap-slingers to get real humans in office. I really admire their attitude.

I would probably vote in their favor in the next election if I could figure out who’s running, when to vote, and where to vote. Hey, if I email these guys and they can help me out, it’ll be a no-brainer! Kind of like people on marijuana. Huh.

Sources Cited

2012 Citizens Party. "Main Street Platform." Citizens Party. 2012 Citizens Party, 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. <>.

Citizens Party. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. <>.


  1. I'm disappointed and hurt that you didn't chose MY party - the Communist Revolutionary Anarchist Party. We have all the same philosophies of the Citizens Party--except we don't discriminate against tall farmers--but we have a real go get 'em attitude rather than a whiny, wise hippy schtick. Our slogan: Vote C.R.A.P. because you always have. Unfortunately, I am the founder (and only) member but I believe this niche appeal makes it perfect for my views.

    I am also the founder (and only) member of the Communist Anarchist Revolutionary Party but I'm keeping that quiet right now until the anti-CARP agenda dies down.

  2. Be quiet, you're not even an American. Regardless, I think we need to schedule an interview. One-on-one. Unless you're too busy playing with your fish.
